Types of Windows

Its no doubt that uPVC is being preferred by many people because of its multifold advantages. Everyone would love to have a classy, trendy, aesthetic look to their space with also very minimal maintenance or after sale service; and that is what uPVC offers with its high quality and durability

BlueDot uPVC

BlueDot uPVC has a great team with great experience in uPVC and uses the highest quality products while manufacturing the same. uPVC Windows and doors from BlueDot are unmatchable in price as well as its looks because we understand that all the standardised products will not suit your living or work space and therefore we offer customisation of the products to suit your specific needs of your space. 

The Different Types of Windows:

1. Twin Sash Windows– Twin Sash Windows are modern windows that provide an aesthetic and a classy look to the living space with Blue Dot uPVC. It combines the traditional casement windows with traditional inward opening fly screen in a single panel. A grill can be added for extra security and safety. 

2. Sliding Windows- Sliding Windows have 2 or more horizontal sashes that have rollers on the base of the window that can smoothly open and close. These are best suited to give the space a more rich look and it is definitely more convenient to use. 

3. Side Hung Windows- Side Hung Windows are the most common type of windows that open 

outwards and typically have a hinge on one or corner. This allows more airflow and is also more convenient to use and doesn’t require maintenance.  

4. Top Hung Windows- Top Hung Windows are windows that open outwards fully. The bottom part is lifted and goes outward while both the sides have hinges. These are a good choice for basement windows as well as the windows used on a stairway and staircase. 

5. French Windows- French Windows are traditional casement windows that generally come in a pair. They look a little more bigger than the regular uPVC windows because the central post is eliminated. The hinges are attached on the sides of the windows thereby while the windows are open, there is no obstruction of the view. These are ideally the right choice for places that have a good view and windows should not be an obstruction of the same. 

6. Glass to Glass Windows- Glass to glass windows are windows that join together in the corner of the room at a 90 degree angle. They are joint and fixed together using hinges and mullions. This is also a great choice if the room has a great view. These windows are most suited for spaces on higher floors like office rooms, conference rooms etc 

7. Casement uPVC Windows- 

Casement Windows are the traditional windows made up of uPVC. They open not only outwards but also inwards. They are also called crank windows and maximise airflow when opened outwards like Side Hung Windows. They also have hinges on the sides of the window towards the wall window frame. 

8. Fixed uPVC Windows 

Fixed uPVC Windows are permanently stuck windows typically on top near the ceiling. These windows cannot be opened but are just kept for increasing flow of sunlight into the space where it is fitted. It is ideal for storage rooms that are generally kept closed and the window can be the source of light. 

9. Tilt & Turn 

Tilt and Turn windows can function by tilting inwards or away from the frame to increase airflow in the space. These windows are ideal for places where airflow has to be controlled. 

10. Bay Windows

Bay windows are windows with three panels with central fixed panels. These windows are generally bigger and have give the space also a more bigger look making it look very aesthetic and classy 

11. Sash Windows

Sash Windows are vertically sliding windows that can be opened by pulling it up, it opens and by pulling it down, gets closed. 

12. Louvred Windows

Louvred windows may or may not have glass panels. They have multiple horizontal shutters or louvres that can be opened and closed. When the louvres are opened the maximise airflow and when it is closed, keep the airflow controlled.

Thereby it’s easy to conclude that the types of uPVC Windows are many and have several more advantages than aluminium and wooden windows.  Unlike the wooden and aluminium windows, the uPVC does not attract termites or corrode in time therefore making it the best choice for windows and doors. BlueDot offers customisation so that you don’t have to settle for the regular and standard sizes and colours, thereby having your favourite colours also on the windows and doors. 


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